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Secure AWS Lambda Design Pattern

The following design pattern ensures secure and privacy-conscious implementation of AWS Lambda functions.


  1. Secure Infrastructure Setup
    • Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
    • Security Groups
    • Network Access Control Lists (NACLs)
    • AWS Key Management Service (KMS)
  2. Identity and Access Management (IAM)
    • IAM Roles and Policies
    • Principle of Least Privilege
  3. Lambda Function Development
    • Input Validation and Sanitization
    • Secure Coding Practices
    • Dependency Management
    • Code Reuse with Lambda Layers
  4. Secrets Management
    • AWS Secrets Manager
    • Systems Manager Parameter Store
  5. Monitoring and Logging
    • AWS CloudTrail
    • Amazon CloudWatch Logs
  6. Secure Deployment Pipeline
    • AWS CodePipeline
    • AWS CodeBuild

Design Pattern Steps:

  1. Set up a secure infrastructure:
    a. Create a VPC for your Lambda functions.
    b. Configure Security Groups and NACLs to restrict inbound and outbound traffic.
    c. Enable AWS KMS to encrypt data at rest.
  2. Implement IAM best practices:
    a. Create IAM roles and policies following the principle of least privilege.
    b. Regularly review and update IAM policies and permissions.
  3. Develop Lambda functions with security in mind:
    a. Validate and sanitize input data.
    b. Follow secure coding practices and perform regular code reviews.
    c. Keep dependencies updated and monitor for security vulnerabilities.
    d. Use Lambda Layers to share common code and libraries.
  4. Manage secrets securely:
    a. Store sensitive information in AWS Secrets Manager or Systems Manager Parameter Store.
    b. Avoid hardcoding secrets in Lambda function code or environment variables.
  5. Monitor and log activities:
    a. Enable AWS CloudTrail to record activity.
    b. Use Amazon CloudWatch Logs for monitoring and analysis.
    c. Regularly review logs for suspicious activity or potential security issues.
  6. Implement a secure deployment pipeline:
    a. Set up AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeBuild for automated build, test, and deployment.
    b. Incorporate security checks and vulnerability scanning in the pipeline.

By following this design pattern, you can create secure and privacy-conscious AWS Lambda functions that adhere to industry best practices and minimize potential security risks.

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